Free WebM Video Sample Files

Download High Quality Example WebM Files for Testing Compatibility

  • 4K - 3840x2160
    File extension
    File size
    75.75 MB
  • 2K - 2560x1440
    File extension
    File size
    46.34 MB
  • HD - 1920x1080
    File extension
    File size
    37.86 MB
  • 720p - 1280x720
    File extension
    File size
    22.74 MB
  • SD - 960x540
    File extension
    File size
    7.59 MB
  • SD - 640x360
    File extension
    File size
    7.6 MB


Frequently Asked Questions

Can WebM files have viruses?

While it's rare, any file type, including WebM, can be used to deliver viruses or malware if it's been tampered with by someone with malicious intent. It's crucial to only download files from trusted sources and to have reliable antivirus software installed on your device.

What are WebM files?

WebM is an open-source, royalty-free media file format designed for the web. It's a container format that has been sponsored by Google, and it's been designed to support all types of media content. The video streams are usually in VP8 or VP9 format, and the audio streams are in Vorbis or Opus format.

How to play WebM files?

WebM files can be played in most modern web browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, and Opera without the need for third-party plugins. They can also be played with media players that support the format, such as VLC Media Player.

How to open WebM files?

You can open a WebM file by double-clicking it, and it will open in your default media player or web browser. If the media player or browser supports the WebM format, it will play. If not, you may need to download a media player that supports the WebM format, such as VLC Media Player.

What is the WebM format?

The WebM format is a media file format that is specifically designed for the web. It's an open-source, royalty-free format that provides high-quality video compression and is supported by most modern web browsers. WebM files consist of video streams compressed with the VP8 or VP9 video codecs and audio streams compressed with the Vorbis or Opus audio codecs.

What plays WebM files?

WebM files can be played on most modern web browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera, without the need for additional plugins or software. For offline viewing, media players like VLC Media Player or PotPlayer can play WebM files.

Will WebM files play on a TV?

Whether a WebM file will play on a TV depends on the specific model and make of the TV. Some newer Smart TVs and devices like Chromecast support the WebM format. For others, you might need to convert the WebM file to another format that your TV supports, like MP4.